Painter, born in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo, Japan in 2000, graduatedfrom Tokyo University of the Arts in 2024, and is currently enrolledin the Master's Program in Advanced Expression Informatics at theUniversity of Tokyo (Master of Information Science). He is the 8thscholarship creator of the Kuma Foundation. His large-scale abstractpaintings based on the theme of "New Landscape" have attractedattention since he was a student at Tokyo University of the Arts, andhe has received numerous awards including Art Olympia 2022, theGeidai Art Plaza Award, and the Tokyo University of the Arts ArtFestival Excellence Award, In 2023, he was selected as the first artistof the "Google Japan x Generation Z Artists" and held a live paintingsession at the "AI EXPO 2023" in Makuhari Messe. In the same year,he was commissioned by East Japan Railway Company to create alarge 10-meter painting to be permanently installed in JR NaganoStation. In 2024, after entering the graduate school of the Universityof Tokyo, he held solo exhibitions at Shin-Kwang Mitsukoshi inTaiwan and GINZA SIX Ginza Tsutaya, and created permanentworks throughout Japan, including a large mural painting for arestaurant in JR Ueno Station and painting on a permanent streetpiano in Ryuo, Nagano, as well as working for racing driverGatsunoshin Ota and Japan's ski cross champion Rin Nakanishi. Hehas also designed the helmets of racing driver Tatsunoshin Ota andJapan's national ski cross champion Rin Nakanishi, among others.Major solo exhibitions include "Process Landscape" (2024/GinzaTsutaya), "Solo Exhibition" (2024/Shin Kwang Mitsukoshi, Taiwan),"OVER" (2024/STREET DREAMS STUDIOUS TOKYO),"ACROSS" (2023/Bumpodo Gallery), etc.